VG Studio llc
Project Location:
3050 Av Figueroa Alcorta, Buenos Airess (1425)
Stage: Built 2016
Design Team:
Victoria Goldstein, Munjer Hashim
Arq Luciana Melicchio | Local Architect
Nenee Estudio | Fabrication
Prefabricated in 4 pieces...
Flat look from a frontal view
Full body revealed at an angled view
photography credits: sol lisdero
About "Band Rail":
“Band-Rail” ripples effortlessly through space while holding considerable book weight. Colorful book covers and magazines add beauty to the living room area in this little loft apartment, and adorn the rhythmic repetitive character of the handrail’s vertical components. Storage space is integrated to the staircase and generates an elegant and vibrant environment.
Made of wooden ‘gills’ and supported by a minimal steel beam the handrail is mechanically fastened and brought to site in a few pre-assembled pieces that fit inside a standard car. The wood was selected to optimize automated router cutting considering variables of thickness, grain and softness. No glue, no tint, and router-refined edges to prevent sanding make the building process seamless. Joints are coupled in between components through shape and precision; resulting in the detox of the process.
An addition of simple generative and fabrication steps make “Band rail” eye candy and the resulting fabrication process keep it clean to share space with.
VG Studio llc
Project Location:
Houston (77019)
Stage: Built 2014
Navid Ghendami | Fabrication
CNC milled wood / powder coated Handrail
BIM 3d Model of 1st floor
BIM 3d Model of 2nd Floor
H House
VG Studio llc
Project Location:
River Oaks, Houston, TX
Stage: DD
Design Team:
VG Studio
Natural Stone
Construction Detail